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Pro podnikající osoby a firmy poskytujeme kurzy za plnou nedotovanou cenu.

Dotovaná cena kurzu



Doplňující informace
Introduction to Data Science

O čem to celé bude?

About the course

Výuka probíhá v angličtině.

The course will be held in English.

Data science is about transforming raw data into meaningful information and knowledge to drive innovation, improve efficiency and create value across industries and domains. Whether it's predicting customer behaviour, optimising supply chain operations, diagnosing disease or analysing financial markets, data science plays a crucial role in addressing a wide range of challenges and opportunities in today's data-driven world.

This introductory course is your gateway to the exciting world of data science. You will delve into the fundamentals of data science, explore its wide-ranging applications across different industries, and gain insight into the central role of data scientists, understanding both their responsibilities and the essential skills required to succeed in the field. 

This course is part of the Data & AI Scientist career learning path.

Who is this course for?

  • For women who are interested in data science, want to know more about the field and want to learn the basics.
  • Women who are comfortable with Excel and basic coding.
  • For women who can communicate in English.

By the end of the course you will:

  • Understand the basics of data science and its applications
  • Have a good understanding of what a data scientist does and the skills required for the role
  • Have a basic knowledge of statistical methods essential for data analysis
  • Be familiar with the basics of Python
  • Have an idea of the main methods, tools and libraries used in data science

Course content

  • The Introduction: Understanding data science
  • Basics of statistical methods
  • Basics of programming in Python
  • Methods and tools in Data Science

Note: The course is still in preparation so there may be minor changes to the final content.

Related courses

This course is part of the Data & AI Scientist career learning path.

Dotovaná cena kurzu je určena fyzickým osobám nepodnikajícím (nefakturujícím na IČ). Nedotovaná cena platí pro fyzické osoby podnikajicí (OSVČ - fakturující na IČ) nebo pro právnické osoby (firmy, instituce).

Otevřené termíny

Aktuálně nemáme vypsané žádné termíny tohoto kurzu.
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