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Dotovaná cena kurzu



O kurzu/About the course

Anglicky už zvládneš běžně komunikovat, ale ještě neznáš slovní zásobu typickou pro datovou analýzu nebo se v téhle oblasti necítíš sebevědomě? Nauč se to s námi.

Co ti kurz přinese:

  • naučíš se terminologii a fráze z oblasti datové analýzy
  • dostaneš od nás materiály a slovník
  • praktická cvičení, reálné situace z praxe, konverzaci
  • skupinu do 10 studentek se 2 lektory


Are you studying data analytics and want to learn the important words and phrases used in the field? Take your data skills to an international level.

We will teach you the key words and phrases used in data analysis and practice them together in real-life work situations. We'll help you feel more confident. We’ll also show you tools to help you keep learning and further improve your knowledge.

Our lessons are fully online. To make language learning work well, we need to see each other, so cameras need to be turned on too.


Is this the right course for you?

  • you are studying courses in the field of data and want to expand your knowledge of technical English and acquire specific vocabulary in the field of data
  • you are starting out in the data industry or want to start working in an English-speaking environment
  • you are fluent in everyday English communication 


What will you learn at the end of the course?

At the end of the course:

  • you will be more confident in using English in your professional life, and you'll know how to keep improving
  • you will know and be able to correctly use technical terms and phrases that are key to working with data
  • you will try presenting your projects and ideas in English
  • you will get feedback and recommendations on how to continue to develop your language skills


Course content

You will improve your skills in practical exercises and real scenarios that simulate situations you will encounter in your workplace. We will give you lots of feedback and tips on how to keep improving your communication.

You will also get access to our unique materials, including a data dictionary.

Lesson 1: The basics of technical data English
Data terminology and key vocabulary
Data analysis tools (SQL, databases, Excel, Python...)

Lesson 2: The work of a data analyst
Description of the data analysis process - effective questions, problem definitions, assignment specifications, practical tasks  

Lesson 3: Communication in the work environment
Simulations of everyday work situations - emails, meetings, communication with clients and colleagues, prompting

Lesson 4: Data storytelling and visualization
Presentation of data analysis results (reports, graphs, dashboards)
Feedback and tips for language learning tools - ChatGPT, Deepl, Grammarly 

Look inside the course

The course is practical, interactive, and conversational. Here are some of the questions we will be discussing:

  • What kinds of databases do you know? 
  • Explain the relation between child tables and parent tables and primary and  foreign key.
  • How would you decide between data-driven, data-informed, and data-inspired decision-making?
  • Comment on the differences between descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.
  • Which of these terms does not belong with the rest in the context of relational databases: query, data redundancy, merge, algorithm? 

  • What do we call this type of graph in English?
  • Can you describe it to your colleagues? What trends can you see? 


Dotovaná cena kurzu je určena fyzickým osobám nepodnikajícím (nefakturujícím na IČ). Nedotovaná cena platí pro fyzické osoby podnikajicí (OSVČ - fakturující na IČ) nebo pro právnické osoby (firmy, instituce).

Otevřené termíny

Aktuálně nemáme vypsané žádné termíny tohoto kurzu.
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