Data girls 14. 11., Ostrava Impact Hub


On this workshop we welcomed 29 girls (at the age between 19 to 40), who were currently working with some data on daily basis.

Data girls is a favourite workshop whose content is delivered by Czechitas in collaboration with know-how partners like Keboola, GoodData and CleverAnalytics. We do have lecturers who have actually developed those solutions or are data analysts.

On this workshop we welcomed 29 girls (at the age between 19 to 40), who were currently working with some data on daily basis. Workshop data girls aims to introduce girls to the logic, thinking behind BI, to walk through the basic problems and cloud tools so they would be able to build upon this knowledge and either become junior BI consultants or/and to solve the business questions that they themselves face in daily business.

Girls tried Tableau, PowerBI, learned limits of Google Analytics, did basic BI project from start to visualisation (build the ETL process - extract the data. They transfomed visualisation and load it into GoodData). After the lunch SQL piece for transformation was provided for them, so they just focus on the logic. After this workshop the girls should have a quite nice overview of main tools available in today’s business world for BI. We also had Petr Kazda from BIC Konica Minolta Brno Czech Republic introducing prescriptive analytics.

Kdo pro tebe napsal tento příběh?
Hana Klimentová

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