Our range of partners is diverse and includes both corporate and institutional partnerships – from companies to foundations, from institutions to individuals. Our partners become part of our community and together we break down the stereotype that women don’t belong in IT. Thanks to support for our projects, programs and our organization’s general operations, we are able to continue to create stories about a more equal representation of women in IT, greater diversity in companies and leadership positions, and the positive impact these changes are having on the Czech Republic as a whole.

Why become a Czechitas partner?

  • You will get motivated and enthusiastic talents to join the team.
  • You will develop the skills of your employees with us.
  • You will help a meaningful thing with social overlap.
  • You will become more credible for your customers, employees, business partners and investors.
  • We are really grateful that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly part of corporate DNA.

You help others and yourself with us!

Proč se stát partnerem Czechitas?

  • Prispejete k reseni palciveho celospolecenskemu problemu.
  • Získáte motivované a nadšené talenty do týmu.
  • Rozvinete u nás dovednosti vašich zaměstnanců.
  • Budete součástí rozsáhlé IT komunity v ČR
  • Stanete se věrohodnější pro vaše zákazníky, zaměstnance, obchodní partnery a investory.

Jsme velmi vděční za to, že společenská odpovědnost firem (CSR - Corporate social responsibility) je stále častěji součástí firemních DNA.

S námi pomáháte druhým i sobě!

Dagmar Ficová

Head of Partnerships & Fundraising

Czechitas works to ensure that IT training and digital skills opportunities are available to as many people as possible. Through partnerships with corporate sponsors, organizations, foundations and individuals Czechitas subsidizes its fees for courses, ensuring that all women can participate without financial restrictions. Our partners value and actively promote the vision and mission of Czechitas within their workplaces and in their communities.

Contact: dagmar.ficova@czechitas.cz

Support new talents in IT

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly part of corporate DNA globally. Thanks to the financial support of partner companies and foundation grants, Czechitas can keep its fees for courses low, ensuring that education opportunities are available to as many people as possible.

Czechitas partners are successful and responsible companies that identify with our mission. Partners find meaning and purpose in supporting IT skills education and training. Our partners value and actively promote the vision and mission of Czechitas within their workplaces and in their communities. Together we create new life stories; we increase the efficiency of work teams; and we strengthen diversity and competitiveness in IT.

Let others know about Czechitas

Express publicly your sense of social responsibility.

How does the partnership with Czechitas work?

It is possible to direct the support to an already completed project, or we can come up with new activities together.

DOWNLOAD OUR portfolio

Pillars of Czechitas financing

Thanks to the financial support of partner companies and foundation grants, we can keepthe course prices so low that education is available to as many people as possible.

Czechitas Partnership Ethical Code

At Czechitas, we enter into partnerships with companies that share similar values and respect applicable legal and ethical regulations.